The Best Medicine is SLM…Or So I’ve Heard – Kelly Coody, Editor in Chief

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A word on submissions: if we tell you that we love your work, that’s not an automated reply. We’re actually typing that e-mail to you after we’ve read your piece with a fine-toothed comb; we’re telling you that we love it, meaning we want to see more of you and your submissions. We kind of love our repeat contributors here at SLM. 

Which brings me to my next point:

Are you a writer?

This isn’t a trick question; nor does it exist to elicit vague answers. It’s either an emphatic yes or a no.


Think: do you love it–is it what truly makes you happy?

If you can confidently answer yes to that question, then you are a writer. Everyone has a story to tell–and only you can tell it. Your voice, your story and your passion all deserve a fighting chance.

We are the vehicle for that fighting chance, that previously untold story, and that spirited piece of writing that might need a few revisions.

Let rejections strengthen you, not plague you with self-doubt or encourage you to give up. As an experiment, if you receive a rejection within the next week, read it all the way through. Then take a deep breath. And find your silver lining; find a reason to smile.

The world is still our playground–as adults, we always seem to forget that along the way.

When you strip away everything, when you’re left lying in bed trying to fall asleep at night, that’s when the realization can hit you: the only person you’re meant to be while you’re on this earth is you.

Embrace that.

Shake off the bad days, string of bad days, bad moods, or whatever has you down. Rest. Wake up to a new start; make yourself a strong cup of coffee or tea and take in everything about this new day. This blank slate. Step outside–literally and figuratively. Step forward. Abandon previous writing “Do’s and Don’t’s” and write the Story of You. Stay true to your writing style and you’ll find your place.

WOMEN: I am seeing signs of life and I LOVE IT!

Sexism still exist and runs rampant, although there are plenty of folks lining up to debate that notion with me.

It pervades boundaries it should never be able to, and is perpetuated by this endless social media-powered society, giving EVERYONE a voice, an opinion, a criticism, safe behind their computers, tablets, laptops or phones.

Make no mistake — misogyny is still here — it’s just sneakier, actually more vicious than before, well-planned and regurgitated by the masses. Remember #restingbitchface or #basicbitch?

Here at SLM, we value, support, encourage and appreciate our very talented writers–who happen to be women. Don’t doubt your every move or second guess a piece of your writing, thinking it might be too provocative.

Part of the reason I’m here, the reason we exist, is to level the playing field. We can accomplish anything–we can conquer and overcome. We refuse to corroborate double standards, delusional stereotypes or archaic notions of feminism and what it should look like or what it should be.

Last night, my daughter sat with me as I worked on the web site, and we both read Jayne Martin’s piece, Together aloud. After the first few lines, my eight-year-old smiled wide and said, “I like this already!”

After we finished reading it, Nikki looked at me and asked, “Why did they have to pretend?”

“Because they weren’t allowed to be who they were.”

“That makes me sad. Everyone should get to be whoever they are!” she shouted.

“Let’s re-read the last line though: what does it make you feel?”

“That picture really is perfect. The path ahead. They’re together,” she said.

I told Jayne via e-mail on Friday that her writing was the epitome of what we’re about here at SLM. Her short story was so powerful, so poignant and truthful that not only did my daughter understand the story, but it made her feel something. [I should note here that Nikki is in her school’s Gifted and Talented program and reads at a high middle-school, early high-school level]. See her below, dancing like no one’s watching.



Let’s all dance like no one’s watching and write like no one’s criticizing. And give your work a fighting chance to be seen. To be read. And to make someone feel something.


Peace and Love,

Editor in Chief

Kelly Fitzharris Coody


*Send all submissions, questions and inquiries to:* Or, visit our Submissions page, here: SUBMISSIONS

P.S.: Happy Father’s Day! The featured image is of my late Grandpa Fitzharris, who passed in 2006. Rest in Peace, Grandpa. Happy Father’s Day!

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