Well, Hello There! – NICOLE FORD THOMAS, new Senior Assistant Editor

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Oh, hello! I’m Nicole Ford Thomas, the new Senior Assistant Editor here at Sick Lit Magazine! I was tasked with introducing myself to you wonderful folks. It’s no secret that Kelly has been up to her eyeballs in life-induced insanity the last few months, and has needed a hand to get Sick Lit back on its feet. As someone who believes there’s a strong need for what this magazine provides the literary world, I’m excited to be on the team, working alongside Kelly to restore Sick Lit to the mover-and-shaker we know it to be.

I’m a proud resident of the Buckeye State (O-H!) and share domestic bliss with my husband, two teenage daughters, three cats, and a big fluffy dog. I enjoy a good cup of coffee in the morning, and a good glass of wine in the evening. In a past life I was a florist, a certified personal trainer, and a bunch of other random stuff that has only resulted in a strange conglomeration of useless trivia bouncing around my head.

In this life, however, I am a writer. I returned to school recently to get a degree in English Composition. My end goal was to become a better writer, but I quickly learned that all I was becoming was a better zombie. That’s how I learned the number one rule of writing:

The way to become a better writer is to write more.

Oh, sure, I had fun writing a Sociology paper applying the theories of Karl Marx to Rocky Horror Picture Show, but college nearly killed my love of creative writing. And my sense of humor, really, which is a shame because I’m told it’s my best quality.

Am I digressing? I am. I’m sorry.

Look, the point I’m poorly making is that I’m new here, and I’m ready to jump in to help Sick Lit be at the top of its game again. I’m not going to lie to you; I often have no idea what I’m doing, but I highly suspect that no one really does. We all just work hard to do the best we can, hoping we don’t burn the place down.

That’s what I bring to the table, Sick Lit community. I’m going to do the best I can to assist Kelly in doing the best she can so we can do the best we can for you, our writers and readers, who are busy doing the best you can.

That’s what makes Sick Lit Magazine the best.

-Nicole Ford Thomas-



20 Replies to “Well, Hello There! – NICOLE FORD THOMAS, new Senior Assistant Editor”

  1. Some of your thoughts hit close and how – the best way to write is unknown, but one way is more solitude and less institutional propoganda. Welcome, Nicole and very warm wishes and hugs.


  2. Welcome to SickLItMag Nicole, I am the mag’s #1 Fan and adore Kelly (from afar of course). I’ve been privileged to have three of my stories published in Sicklit: “The Tale of the Costume Maker,” “Amelia Flew Home,” and the Pushcart Prize nominated “The Tale of the Cabbage Patch.” Im on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100012966314127 if you want to see a rebirth of my writing success that I credit in part to Kelly and SicklitMag. Tell Kelly she is in my thoughts (not in a weird way). I wish you luck!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I look forward to working with you, Steve! I’ve got two stories floating around in here, too: “Forgotten God” and “Vinyl,” which are both back in October. Thank you for the luck-wishing! We’ve been working very hard over the weekend to get everything back on track, so keep an eye out. There’s about to be a lot going on here.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Welcome, Nicole! Looking forward to working with you to build SLM’s community of poets, artists and writers. Next is our T-shirt contest!

    Liked by 1 person

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