Plagiarism. – Kelly Fitzharris Coody, Editor in Chief

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It’s been brought to my attention by more than a few people recently that we’ve published some plagiarized work.

I am NOT OKAY WITH THIS. To all injured parties, please know that I am taking all actions that I can to deal with the situation, remove this person from the web site, and RETRACT THEIR PUSHCART PRIZE NOMINATION. However, I’d love to talk with you about nominating YOUR WORK and YOUR WORDS for a PushCart Prize. Because you are the one who deserves it.

It’s not okay to come into my house, take advantage of my generosity and lie and steal. I started this magazine for writers to feel free and to write freely – not TO PLAGIARIZE. I am disappointed, hurt and shocked. 

Right now I am battling a very severe stomach infection and am on a liquid diet – I feel AWFUL and was more-than-humbled yesterday as I collected my own stool samples for the doctor’s office.

BE PATIENT WITH ME – please – while I figure out what the hell is going on with my body. Know that I am outraged and beyond words about this incident. I am not taking news of it lightly.

A trusted SLM writer and frequent contributor quietly brought this to my figurative doorstep yesterday before I got explosive e-mails and comments from everyone else, implying that I’m somehow complicit with this behavior. It goes against everything that this journal stands for.

Editor In Chief,

Kelly Fitzharris Coody

7 Replies to “Plagiarism. – Kelly Fitzharris Coody, Editor in Chief”

  1. What a nightmare—every editor’s heart-breaking nightmare, and I’m so sorry to hear that anyone assumed you were complicit. And, I’m so sorry to hear that your trust was broken. I hope you feel better soon, Kelly.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sorry to hear this, Kelly. First, I hope you’ll recover soon and feel better. The herbal teas are a good idea. Secondly, the plagiarism thing, not very nice, but it happens all the time and some are very difficult to prove. I wish people would stick to their original ideas and be honest with their writing. Why blame you? We can’t know every story that’s ever been written. There are only a few stories, anyway, but different ways to present them. That’s called writing. Fondest wishes, 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wasn’t me! And I would love to have “Passing Through” considered for a Pushcart. Meanwhile, put this whole thing aside until you feel better. Peppermint tea is good for settling an ornery stomach. And if you’re on antibiotics, be sure and take some good probiotics, too. Sorry so much shit is hitting the fan at once, but taking care of yourself has to be the priority, my friend.

    Liked by 2 people

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